Abnegation News!

Insektenstichheiler: Das Must-Have im Sommer

Wenn die Tage wärmer werden verbringen wir gewöhnlich mehr Zeit draußen in der Natur, sei es im Garten, am See oder beim Wandern. Leider locken die warmen Temperaturen...

Jul 23 2024
Post by Sophie Tham

Tiefenmassage leicht gemacht: Moderne Techniken zur Linderung von Muskelverspannungen

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie könnten nach einem anstrengenden Training oder einem langen Arbeitstag mühelos Muskelverspannungen lösen und Schmerzen lindern. Eine Massagegun macht genau das möglich...

Jul 19 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Health guide: Living with diabetes - everything important about the disease

Prevalence and types of diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a widespread metabolic disease, which is characterized by chronically increased blood sugar levels. In Germany, around 7.5 million...

Jul 08 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Help at the push of a button - with the help of emergency call systems safely through everyday life

In Germany, around 5.9 million people live in their household alone for over 65 years. This corresponds to about a third of this age group. This...

Jun 28 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Yoga - Association of Body and Spirit

The World Yoga Day, also known as an international yoga day, is celebrated every year on June 21. This day was launched by the United Nations...

Jun 21 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Food allergy - a warning signal of our body

Have you ever wondered if you suffer from a food allergy - or maybe it's just a food intolerance? What is the exact difference between the...

Jun 19 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Autism - acceptance of human diversity

What is autism? On the occasion of the international day of action, we want to raise awareness of autism. Maybe you have ever had any points...

Jun 17 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

World Blood donation day 2024 - All important questions and answers about the blood donation

Today's “World Blood Donation Day” we want to take them as an opportunity to inform them about blood donation. Are you a blood donor yourself and...

Jun 14 2024
Post by Ramona Horndasch

Revolution in small animal diagnostics: The PlusLife PCR device

Everything for the health of our animals! When it comes to the health of our four -legged family members, accuracy and speed are crucial. This is...

Apr 11 2024
Post by Philipp Quitterer

Flu or corona: Why you should still do a corona test for symptoms

In the cool breeze that autumn brings, we are faced with a new challenge: Is what we feel, a simple cold, the flu or Corona? Although...

Oct 17 2023
Post by Chiara Laubenbacher

Streptococcus – causes, symptoms and treatment of the infection

Differentiation of streptococci strains Streptococci are spherical bacteria that can reproduce without the supply of oxygen but through fermentation . There are different strains of streptococci,...

Sep 15 2023
Post by Chiara Laubenbacher

RSV – The most important questions and answers

Number of RSV infections increases In Great Britain, the RSV infections have increased in recent months. RSV stands for Respiratory Syncytial Virus, a virus -like pathogen...

Sep 15 2023
Post by Chiara Laubenbacher