Donation systems

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Abgebildet ist eine Packung PAPSTAR Spenderservietten, 1-lagig, 25 cm x 30 cm. Die weißen Servietten, sauber gestapelt in einer transparenten Verpackung mit aufgedrucktem Text, zeigen ihr umweltfreundliches Design. Zwei Servietten werden einzeln vor der Verpackung präsentiert, um ihre Qualität und ihre umweltbewussten Eigenschaften hervorzuheben.

Papstar donor napkins 1-layer 25 cm x 30 cm white | Banderole (250 pieces)

SKU: PS-14488

£2.21 £2.21

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price £2.21 GBP
Sales price £2.28 GBP
In einem Karton mit der Aufschrift „Tork Xpressnap® 13840 Spenderserviette Natur mit Umweltsymbol Advanced N4 1-lagig“ befindet sich ein Stapel umweltfreundlicher einlagiger Servietten aus Recyclingfasern. Eine Abbildung zeigt eine Hand, die eine Serviette aus dem Spenderkarton zieht. Das Produkt ist von TORK – Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH.
Produktbeschreibung: Die Tork Xpressnap® 13840 Spenderserviette Natur mit Umweltsymbol Advanced N4 1-lagig verfügt über ein beiges Papierdesign mit einem kleinen Recyclingsymbol und dem Text „100 % recycelt“ in der oberen rechten Ecke. Sie ist aus recycelten Fasern hergestellt. Sie wird auf einem schlichten weißen Hintergrund präsentiert.

Tork XPressnap® 13840 donor napkin nature with environmental symbol Advanced N4 1-Lagig | Cardboard (8 packs)

SKU: TO-13840

£90.16 £90.16

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price £90.16 GBP
Sales price £112.57 GBP
Ein Karton mit acht Packungen Tork Xpressnap® 10840 Weiße Spenderserviette Universal N4 1-lagig von TORK – Essity Professional Hygiene Germany GmbH zeigt das Produktbild. Jede Packung betont die Einzeltuchentnahme und zeigt eine Hand, die eine Serviette zieht, um den geringeren Verbrauch und die Umweltvorteile hervorzuheben.

Tork XPressnap® 10840 White donor napkin Universal N4 1-Lagig | Cardboard (8 packs)

SKU: TO-10840

£85.33 £85.33

VAT included. plus shipping Net

Regular price £85.33 GBP
Sales price £106.54 GBP

Donation systems: Innovation for everyday life

Donation systems can be found in almost all households and public facilities. Whether in the office, in the hospital or in medical practices, donor systems are used everywhere. They are very diverse in terms of how they make so popular. In times when hygiene and cleanliness are of great importance, the selection of the right products is essential.

Donation systems and what they can do

Donation systems are devices that have different products as content and output in the desired amount. This technology can be implemented with many products, be it Soap, Disinfectant, Paper towels or Toilet paper. Donors are not only very useful and practical in hectic everyday life, they also make a positive contribution to more economical use.

The different areas of application

There are various donor systems that are tailored to the respective area of ​​application. There is a suitable donor system for every need and every requirement. They are ideal for optimizing consumption and saving money.

  • gastronomy: In areas where food is used, certain hygiene standards must be observed. Paper- Soap- and Toilet paper dispenser are ideal to do justice and ensure a quick and easy donation of the respective product.
  • Healthcare: Compliance with a strict hygiene standard is also necessary in medical facilities. Through Soap- and Disinfectant donor Can be washed and disinfected quickly even in stressful situations.
  • Offices and public institutions: In order to maintain hygiene in the workplace, it is worth various donors such as meadow Soap-, Paper- and Toilet paper dispenser to use. On the one hand, this helps to leave the work environment cleanly and hygienic in order to avoid the spread of different viruses and on the other hand to regulate consumption and thus save costs and waste.


Advantages of donor systems

The use of donor systems has many advantages, be it in your private household, in the doctor's office or in the office.

  • hygiene: Donation systems offer a high hygiene standard, since the cladding of these donors are made of an antibacterial material and thus prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses. Special models are with one Sensor technology Equipped through which the hand contact with the device is avoided.
  • sustainability: The use of donor systems reduces consumption, so that costs are saved and waste is reduced.
  • Comfort and quick access: Donor systems are very user -friendly. They facilitate the operation and are therefore quick and easy to use.


Conclusion of donor systems

Donation systems are practical additions that not only make life easier for us, but also make an important contribution to the containment of disease fours. In addition, donor systems help us to only use as many products as they are really needed and thus save in waste. This is not only good for the environment, but also good to save costs. Browse through the large selection of the various donor systems and discover more products related to health and hygiene Altruan.

Frequent questions and answers

How often should donor systems be cleaned?

How are donor systems installed?

Why do donor systems make sense?

How often do donor systems need to be refilled?

Why are donor systems hygienic?